Lease Certificate (Sukuk) (Coming Soon!)
What are the Advantages of Lease Certificates?
Regular Income: Lease certificates provide regular income based on rental income from commercial real estate. Investors can receive a stable income flow through lease income, which is paid periodically.
Variety: Lease certificates provide an opportunity to invest in commercial real estate in different sectors. Doing so helps investors diversify their portfolios by allocating their risks.
Professional Management: Since the company or organizations that issue lease certificates are experienced in real estate management. This allows investors to make an investment in a structure where a professional team manages the real estate.
Conformity with Islamic Finance Principles: Lease certificates, especially designed in compliance with Islamic finance principles, present an investment option in line with the principles of interest-free finance and halal income.
Investment Opportunity in Real Estate Market: The real estate market generally offers long-term investment opportunities. Lease certificates can increase liquidity while providing an opportunity for investors to participate in the real estate market.
Competitive Return Potential: Lease certificates have the potential to offer higher returns compared to traditional fixed income investments. Income generated from leased real estate can increase regardless of interest rates.
Coupon Payment: Lease Certificates entitle the holder to receive the periodic fixed rental income of the leased assets.
Asset-Based: All issued certificates require a real commercial relationship and a visible tangible reality.
Liquidity Opportunity: Being listed on the Istanbul Stock Exchange, liquidity is available through secondary market transactions. Investors can cash in their Lease Certificates in full or in part before maturity, if they wish, in line with their needs.